How to Find the Best Vegan
Spots While Traveling

0 5 years ago

Traveling while on a vegan diet can be a daunting experience. If you’re traveling somewhere you’ve never been before and know little about you may be wondering where your next quality vegan meal will be coming from.
Luckily, in todays day and age, there is bound to be a vegan foodie that has already traveled through the area you are looking to explore. Instagram is the go-to social platform for traveling vegans to find places where you are traveling and maybe even travel to a new place just to try that scrumptious looking plant based burger and fries you saw on your favorite Instagram account!

There is no need to limit your vegan travels; vegan Instagram and vegan foodies span the globe, on the lookout for all of the top vegan spots around the world.
Whether you are looking to travel far or even down the road, there is a vegan Instagram account for you.
There are a few ways to find your perfect vegan foodie account – besides using ole’ faithful, Google.
One way to expand your vegan Instagram is to follow your favorite local vegan restaurants. Most vegan restaurants will share posts from other accounts on their story when they post about said restaurant. From their stories you can find local Instagrammers and traveling Instagrammers of the like. Once you start interacting and engaging with vegan accounts, Instagram will take it upon themselves to curate your search page to be a vegan food haven.
Another way to navigate the vegan side of Instagram is to search hashtags. While hashtags can seem chaotic and a little bit intimidating at first, you can use them to your advantage and find just about anything you are looking for. You can start with the all encompassing #veganfoodie or #vegantravel to find vegan foodies from all over the world like, @happycow, and @burgerabroad.

If you already know where you want to travel you can narrow down your search by using more tailored hashtags like #veganorlando and find @orlandovegans, vegantokyo and find @veganactionsquad, or search #veganbangkok and find @thebkkvegan

This technique works with just about any city, big or small. The possibilities are endless. There are so many vegan Instagrams that show and highlight the vegan joints in each city that you will never have to worry again about finding a good spot to eat!
If you’re looking to find a new unique spot based on the cities vegan community, checkout @wtfveganfood and see all of the places she has traveled to just to find the best vegan. If you’re looking for a full fledged vegan adventure, check out @veganfoodquest.

For your next vacation, be sure to check out all of the hottest vegan spots in town. There is no shortage of vegan, foodie, travel fanatics on Instagram to help shape your vegan foodie travels. Stay safe, wear a mask!

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