The difference between Will Young and Wil Yeung

0 4 years ago
wil yeung

When it comes to delicious vegan food, Hong Kong-born Canadian Wil Yeung knows how to cook up a storm and create some of the best meals possible. He’s also a keen musician and runs his own music school in his hometown of Ontario.

However, if you’ve ever tried googling Yeung to find the recipe for one of his incredible meals, one small typo could see you discovering about a completely different man, former Pop Idol winner Will Young!

Yeung vs. Young, is there really much difference?

If you have made the Yeung vs. Young mistake on google recently, don’t worry, you’re definitely not the only one, but what are the differences between these two men? Well, whilst Yeung was born in Hong Kong before emigrating, English Will was born in the market town of Wokingham.

Both men attended university, Yeung to study for a Bachelor’s degree in Musical Arts and a minor in Visual Arts, and Young for a degree in Politics (although he did keep up an interest in the performing arts).

So far, despite the thousands of miles separating them, things weren’t too different. However, whilst Yeung would go on to open his own music school, Young went on to audition for the opening season of new reality show Pop Idol – eventually winning the series.

It’s safe to say from that point, the two men’s lives go in slightly different trajectories…

Young went on to sell millions of records and become a staple of British pop culture, travelling the world and performing to some huge crowds.

Although Yeung also traveled the world, he used the experience to expand his knowledge of food, using this to create his delicious cookbooks.

So now you know the difference, it’s your choice, will it be a Will Young record, or cooking up a Wil Yeung dish, which one will you go for…

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