Website Vegan Investing Club
A proven Crowdfund lead generator needed for multiple campaigns over next 36 months:
1) – Dec 2020 Equity Crowdfunding: help raise $1M. Then immediately begin a Regulation A to raise $10M.
2) – Mar 2021 launch new flavors: help do reward Crowdfunding for our new flavors and continue acquiring customers to reach ten thousand monthly subscribers in 30 months.
3) – May 2021 launch meal matching: help do reward Crowdfunding for our revolutionary Algorithm that matches meals to an individual’s DNA & Microbiome tests and reach 2,000 subscribers in 30 months.
4) – July 2021 launch professional site: help recruit doctors, chiropractors, dietitians, weight loss counselors, yoga teachers and fitness coaches to use our “Portal For Professionals” to order personalized meal plans for patients and clients. Recruit 500 professionals in 12 months.
5) – Sept 2021 launch supplements: help do reward Crowdfunding for our new Vegan supplement line including Peruvian super food mushrooms and reach 3,000 subscribers in 12 months.
To apply for this job please visit