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Custom Online Vegan Cooking Class

Cook along with friends - we will prepare a delicious vegan meal, all from the comfort of your own kitchen. You choose the date and content! Join me, Beatrice from The Nourished Bowl, for this app. 75-minutes workshop and learn how to cook delicious every-day vegan meals in this online ...

More vegan ice cream!

Amma Gelato Plaça virreina, 3, Barcelona

Given the success of our last ice cream meetup, we are going back to Amma gelato for more delicious vegan ice cream. Hope to see you there!!!

Toni Okamoto Talks Living Vegan Under Quarantine

Toni Okamoto Talks Living Vegan Under Quarantine Plant Based on a Budget founder Toni Okamoto opens up about her transition from vegetarian to vegan, helping people live vegan on a restricted budget and advice for anyone considering the vegan lifestyle. Toni was so insightful and a delight to chat with! ...

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