Plant-Based Nutritionist and Influencer

  • Part Time
  • Remote
  • Part Time
  • Remote

Website Broth Bomb LLC

Job Duties

  • Establish and moderate dialogue about the health and nutrition of Broth Bomb® with the public and press.
  • Research health and nutrition information regarding Broth Bomb®
  • Create food content and nutrition facts content for social media
  • Engage other influencers and social media strategies.
  • Be a spokesperson; appear on the news telling our story and doing cooking demos.
  • Assist in the development of new recipes and seasoning ideas. We’ll be making non-fizzy seasoning blends too.

Job requirements:

  • Some certification in nutrition. Masters preferred but not required.
  • A large social media following. Over 100,000 Instagram followers preferred.
  • Must have a love for both whole-plant foods and vegan products.


  • The compensation for the position will begin as an owner equity agreement; work in exchange for permanent ownership in the company.
  • 1% equity in the company for one year of consulting. Shares (.08%) will be vested (given) monthly.
  • Applicants must be able to work part-time for a year without a salary. Modifications to these terms will be considered, especially if the job becomes more involved. We will cover any associated food and travel expenses.
  • Plus, you may get your own personalized product/recipe into stores: a 1 oz meal helper seasoning blend under your name. (This special personalized product offer will be available to any of the top vegan food influencers who help promote Broth Bomb® at this early stage.)

We look forward to seeing your resume!

To apply for this job please visit


To apply for this job please visit

Contact us

Broth Bomb LLC

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