Do you wanna support your local movement for climate justice while simultaneously learning to cook and eat delicious vegan food?
Do you wanna impress your friends, significant others, co-workers, and even exes with some incredibly cooking skills?
Join us virtually on zoom Thursday, April 8th from 6-8 PM CDT to learn how YOU can make delicious vegan food while simultaneously helping support Sunrise Nashville in its efforts to fight for a more just society!
Do you want fresh ingredients delivered right to your door before you start this incredible cooking class?!?!?!
If you live in Davidson County, you can purchase a Deluxe ticket and one of our Sunrise members will do a socially distanced dropoff of all the ingredients you’ll need for the cooking class between 1 -4 CDT the day of the event!
A note from our instructor- Cassie Jackson, an awesome sunrise member and hub coordinator of Sunrise Franklin!
Hey y’all, my name is Cassie! I got started cooking more seriously a few years ago after I became vegan, which opened me up to a creative and empathetic way of preparing and consuming food. I am also a member of Sunrise Tennessee and am passionate about achieving equity for all people (and animals!) in our fight for worldwide climate justice.
All funds raised after costs will go towards Sunrise Movement Nashville’s work building a youth climate justice movement and fighting for a Green New Deal on the local, state, and federal level.
Please email with any questions or concerns.