Web developer / Tech programmer Intern

0 4 years ago
  • Internship
  • Remote

Website BeVeg

We are looking for a web development/tech programming intern to assist our CTO! Tasks may include:

– Building websites in WordPress

– CSS coding

– Management of app development in React for iOS and Android. Please download the BevVeg app to get a sense of the app.

– Building internal systems for managing accounts and system automation for the certification process and account management (website application, databases, automatic email responses, etc).

– Email blasts and digital marketing with high skill tech ability to ensure high open and response rates. Need strong digital media marketing campaigns.

If the internship goes well, there is potential for a full-time job offer!

About BeVeg International
BeVeg International is a law firm creating the gold standard for vegan certification. Our mission is to unite the world in a movement towards a kinder, more compassionate planet. The BeVeg logo, represented in more than 70 countries, signals to consumers that the product is vegan friendly. As we work to make vegan products more accessible, we also aim to hold companies accountable for their ingredients and processes. We are seeking to build a team of well-rounded vegan individuals committed to the cause!

To apply for this job please visit www.beveg.com.

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